
今天的新聞撥出有藝人因為接受手術而造成傷口感染到 NTM 跟大家介紹一下什麼是NTM

以前最常聽到發生NTM感染的是剖腹產的傷口持續不能癒合 經過清瘡和細菌培養之後才發現是NTM 也有相當多的肺結核病人 其實是NTM感染

Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) 非結核分支桿菌  refers to all the species in the family of mycobacteria that may cause human disease, but do not cause tuberculosis (TB). 所謂不會產生結核  的分支桿菌大家族


{Although the germs are found easily in water and soil, they do not affect most people. Doctors believe that some people who become infected have an unknown defect in their lung structure or function or in their immune systems. People who have damaged lung tissue from diseases such as emphysema, bronchiectasis, adult cystic fibrosis or previous TB infection appear to be at greater risk for developing a NTM infection. People who are immunocompromised such as those who receive strong immunosuppressant medications such as prednisone, remicaid etc. have a greater risk of developing a NTM infection that affects all organs of the body, not only the lungs. People with AIDS may also develop NTM infections.}

以上這段話說明 這些菌生長 在泥土 或是污水中  一般社會大眾不會輕易得到 NTM 也不會發生人傳染人的現象 免疫力弱的人較高機會得到

新竹國泰醫院感染科主任盧英仁表示,除結核桿菌、痲瘋桿菌外,所有桿菌都稱為非結核分枝桿菌(Nontuberculous Mycobacterium; NTM),非結核分枝桿菌共有近百種。此菌存於水源、空氣、土壤等環境中,到處都有,免疫功能正常者,接觸後不會有影響,即使感染造成大面積的傷口,經藥物治療3個月,甚至長達1、2年多會痊癒。


不過 一但發生  相當棘手 有可能得終生與它為伍

